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What you are about to read, I wrote almost exactly a year and a half ago when this dream of growing flowers as a business started to grow and stir inside of me. I sit amazed at our awesome God and how He is faithfully bringing it into a reality.

Some of you know that I like to run. My husband introduced me to it when we were dating over 14 years ago. I have run several half marathons and relays, I am no speed demon and wouldn't even say I'm a natural but it is my stress reliever. I discovered something just this year though. After 14 fairly consistent years, I just now discovered that if I keep my eyes looking forward to where I am running and not downcast toward the road I run much faster. Why is this news to me now? This hit me like a ton of bricks. I feel like I have been shown that not just in running but also in life if you keep your eyes focused on your goal whatever it may be you will get there much more quickly and easily than if you are looking down.

Here are my words from October 1, 2015. I hope that if you are reading this it will help you with whatever path you are walking down.

I took a walk to our back pasture this morning to check our cattle and let the dog run. Looking around me, the changes could be seen and felt. The air was much crisper, the leaves were starting to change, fewer birds were chirping. I felt Him telling me, “I have you. I know your dreams, how much you want to be at home, how strongly you desire to make this farm your daily job, I have you Katie.”

Why do I doubt? Why do I become impatient? Even as I write and know that He will help us achieve the dreams that He placed on Clint and I’s hearts I still feel anxiousness, excitement, impatience. Maybe in part because I don’t know how long it will take, maybe because I know it will be good and I cannot wait to see what and how it unfolds, maybe because I know patience is a fruit of the spirit that constantly needs weeded and pruned in me.

But I don’t doubt. I stop and I thank Him and thank Him and thank Him for how good and faithful He has been in my life. Faithful even when I take my eyes off, faithful even when I am tired and cranky, faithful even when I worry and stress, faithful even when the words out of my mouth are not honoring, faithful in my imperfectness, faithful through it all.


My dream is to bring this community locally grown, fresh cut flowers. We are starting small, we are sacrificing, we are trusting God that he will provide and already this week we have had some huge blessings sent our way. We know that this will not be without stress and heartache as well, it has to be with the crazy wind, temperature swings and unpredictable weather called Mother Nature, but it is where our hearts are leading us. Thank you for taking the time to read this and being on this journey with us from the get-go!

(On one other note, Clint tells me that I look down when I run and walk because when you grown up with cattle and horses you are always watching for cow patties!)

Happy Easter!


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